Week in security with Tony Anscombe


Why the vulnerability in Log4j poses a grave threat – What businesses should know about Log4Shell – ESET wraps up a series of deep-dives into Latin American banking trojans

In this edition of Week in security, Tony looks at these topics:

The discovery of Log4Shell, a critical vulnerability in a ubiquitous Java-based logging library called Log4j, and the implications it has for countless products and services in use today.
Why business leaders should take immediate steps towards checking their systems for the use of Log4j and applying the patch that addresses the security flaw.
Also this week, ESET researchers wrapped up their series of articles dissecting the most active Latin American banking trojans of the past few years.

Read more:
Log4Shell vulnerability: What we know so far
What every business leader needs to know about Log4Shell
The dirty dozen of Latin America: From Amavaldo to Zumanek

All this – and more – on WeLiveSecurity.com. Connect with us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn and Instagram.