Week in security with Tony Anscombe


ESET discovers watering hole attacks in the Middle East – Getting your life back on track after identity theft – How foreign influence operations have evolved

In this edition of Week in security, Tony looks at these topics:

The discovery, by ESET researchers, of a watering hole campaign that targets websites in the Middle East and has links to Israeli spyware firm Candiru.
How disinformation campaigns have evolved over the years and how threat actors are spending serious time and effort crafting all the steps of the attack, and finding out what works.
A victim of identity theft and fraud in Germany tells us what it took to put his life back in order.

Read more:
Strategic web compromises in the Middle East with a pinch of Candiru
CYBERWARCON – Foreign influence operations grow up
‘My bank account was in a shambles’: The ordeal of an identity theft victim

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